Our resource


We are committed to reduce our environmental impact by driving efficiencies across our own operations and beyond

Managing resource efficiency

Beckers’ long-term ambition is to grow our business while reducing our environmental impact through resource efficiency in our own operations and beyond. This is of strategic importance to us as these matters are prerequisite for reaching our climate goals.

Why resource efficiency is material to us

Read more about the risks and opportunities associated with resource efficiency and our materiality assessment in our Performance Report 2023.

Performance Report

We are committed to using resources as efficiently as possible and eliminating our negative impacts. Through our resource management, we show our dedication to this important pillar on our sustainable journey – and we make gradual progress. As part of our contribution to optimize the use of resources, we track several KPIs and targets on energy, local and accidental pollution, water, and waste management.

We have set goals for 2030 to reduce our water withdrawal by 50% (absolute reduction) and to reduce the water intensity per employee for our sites located in water stressed areas by 50% (intensity reduction). Our 2030 goals regarding waste are to send zero waste to landfill, reduce our incinerated waste without heat recovery by 70%, to achieve a 15% absolute reduction in incinerated waste with heat recovery compared to 2020 levels, and improve our waste efficiency by reducing it to less than 35 kg per metric ton of product. Our energy goals for 2030 include increasing our share of renewable energy consumption to at least 70% and achieving an energy efficiency target of 0.30 MWh per metric ton produced.

“Measuring for impact”

By addressing a gap in waste collection data at our site in South Africa last year, the team has since improved their rate of recycling and taken steps toward the 2030 Goal of zero waste to landfill.

How we contribute to resource efficiency

The resources that we use are limited. Our strategic focus is therefore to not only use our resources efficient during their whole lifecycle, starting from production of raw material, transport, production, and consumption until disposal of waste, but also to increase the degree of circular flows to create additional climate benefits.

Paint manufacturing relies on raw materials and natural resources and creates various by-products that can have negative impacts on people and the environment. Our production therefore has the risk of causing environmental damage and resource depletion. Raw materials, energy and waste are major environmental topics in our industry and must be managed properly and efficiently. By optimizing our raw material, energy and waste management, we promote resource efficiency in our business and minimize our negative impacts.

Beckers is committed to a 55% absolute CO2e reduction of scope 1 and 2 and a 50% CO2e intensity reduction from third-party logistics by 2030. Using our resources as efficiently as possible is one of the prerequisites for reaching these climate goals and thus a strategically important sustainability issue for Beckers.

Management of water as a shared resource

We respect water as a shared resource and take our responsibility to use it wisely at all our sites. It is used primarily in facility amenities such as showers, sanitation and food preparation, but also as a minor component in manufacturing, such as cooling and cleaning. As the impacts from our direct water usage occur at a local level where we operate, our measures and initiatives are individualized for our sites.

Ten of our 25 locations are situated in water-stressed areas, where we have initiated several projects to reduce water usage. Our water management work focuses on optimizing how we work with water from several perspectives. We have initiatives to reduce overall water consumption. We monitor and prevent groundwater contamination, and control wastewater discharge.

Rainwater is harvested at some of our sites and utilized for different purposes. This includes landscape irrigation, fire protection reservoirs, and to water employee vegetable gardens.

To further develop our targets and actions we need to perform a thorough assessment to identify where our main dependencies on water occur in our value chain. The materials we purchase may have a higher water consumption, indicating that our business depends more on access to water than our operations alone suggests.

Paint Plant of the Future – a concept that defines sustainability standards

Volatile organic compounds (VOC), spills, odors, dust from solid raw materials, natural gas, diesel consumption, and noise can have negative impacts on people and the environment. To better manage and minimize these impacts going forward, we use our global concept Paint Plant of the Future (PPF). The concept is centered around forward-thinking and planning how and when to best mitigate these environmental and social impacts associated with our industry and operations. During the planning process, standards for sustainability and manufacturing efficiency are set at all our sites. The plans include topics such as using renewable sources of energy, assessing  alternatives to natural gas for heating, retention systems, processes to reduce packaging or waste, ISO standard requirements, and highly automated manufacturing processes that improve working conditions.

A focus area for all sites is how to reduce, contain, extract, measure and abate VOC emissions. This coincides with our climate goals, but also minimizes the negative impacts VOCs can have on people working with the coatings. Steps like improving the measuring systems of VOCs throughout the site can play an important role in mapping and prioritizing future actions and investments. A creative solution under investigation is the potential to install bioreactors that use bacteria to eat VOCs, which also reduces the need for energy consumption.

Overall, the plans developed by the sites since PPF’s launch in 2021 bring our 2030 Goals to life through concrete plans and actions.

Efficient waste management

Beckers’ business activities have a negative impact through the generation of both hazardous and non-hazardous waste.

The waste produced by our operations includes chemical residues, used cleaning solutions, packaging materials, items contaminated by chemicals, and various manufacturing by-products.

Compliance with relevant regulations is mandatory for all our waste management practices, including the handling of hazardous waste generated from our production processes.

By adopting a comprehensive waste management strategy, we aim to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and incinerators, and to enhance our waste efficiency. Some actions include reusing and recovering cleaning solvents, reusing packaging like drums or bulk containers, adjusting returned or leftover products. Through more efficient segregation, supplier collaboration and a circular economy approach, we minimize waste sent to landfills and incineration, and simultaneously optimize production.

Towards a higher degree of circularity

To avoid waste, we work together with our suppliers and customers to promote circularity by using closed loops for packaging materials, for example by reusing intermediate bulk containers. When possible, our customers can return containers for refilling and this enables us to nudge our customers toward more circular habits, while still maintaining our high product quality.

We also promote closed loops by collaborating with suppliers that refurbish drums. Some of our sites are working with 100% refurbished drums, and for the others we are phasing out new drums as soon as their current restrictive contracts expire. Suppliers for drum refurbishment do not exist in every country, and when a new collaboration commences, we always assess the CO2 emissions from producing new drums compared to refurbishing and transporting.

UV/EB curing technology

Years of research came into fruition with the world's first commercial UV/EB coatings

Beckers in Brief

It's a long story, but we wrapped our 150+ years of coatings into a simple overview of our business.

Our Sustainability Journey

Hindsight offers clarity. Join us in reflecting on our sustainability journey, marking milestones and pivotal moments.

Climate Action

Get a better picture of our biggest emission reduction opportunities in our Climate Action 2.0 strategy. See what we've learned and how we've made steady progress since our first climate assessment in 2012.

Our Performance dashboard

Explore our comprehensive dashboard for progress across all three sustainability streams.