Key results 2023: Pioneering sustainable solutions in coatings
Read moreClimate Action
We are resolute in fighting climate change and constantly work to reduce our carbon footprint with smart solutions and concrete steps. Our climate action strategy encompasses our entire value chain, including our products, our employees, own operations — in other words, all aspects of What We Do.
Past, present and future
2023 was a busy year with our climate work at Beckers. We kicked off a project to reassess how we aim to raise our ambition in the coming decades. From those on-going learnings, we incorporated and introduced emission data for our raw materials and packaging of Scope 3.1 (Purchased goods and services) to our 2023 assessment. We continue to monitor and improve our emissions through our policies, operations, and business decisions.
Climate Action 2.0 raising the bar
We revisited our climate strategy during 2023 and kicked off, what we call, Climate Action 2.0. In this project we began by reevaluating our 2030 climate targets. Some of these we are nearly reaching, so we want to further develop these and raise our ambitions. We also revisited which Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol categories we include in our total emissions, to ensure that we’re considering the full picture. After the initial screening, we worked further with the most significant categories by assessing and collecting activity-based emissions data. These categories include 3.1 (Purchased goods and services), 3.10 (Processing of sold products), and 3.12 (End of life), but we will refrain from including emissions from 3.10 and 3.12 in our assessment until we have a more complete picture and reliable data.
To be successful in the journey ahead, this project and our climate strategy will require more involvement from both internal and external stakeholders. We will continue to work in a collaborative way with our suppliers through our Renewable Carbon Program to improve the data quality and the actions to reduce emissions. One of the key learnings from the deeper screening, was that our carbon footprint is significant in the downstream customer application, further emphasizing the importance of collaborating not only with our suppliers, but also with our customers. We believe that the relaunched BSI will be instrumental in creating more informed conversations with our customers about how they can also reduce their carbon footprint and build their climate action roadmaps.
In 2024, we will continue the project Climate Action 2.0 with the objective to set new climate targets, to be aligned with the latest science and best practices, along with continuously measuring the emissions from these significant categories contributing to our total emissions. Words and targets are great; now it’s time for action!
In the midst of our transformation
We track our climate impact and action progress for our greenhouse gas emissions and have set ambitious goals to reduce our emissions along the value chain. A detailed description of our emission targets and our KPIs as well as data on our climate impact and our progress over the years is downloadable in our Performance Report 2023.
Since 2012, we have been monitoring and communicating our emissions data. During 2023, we kicked off a new climate strategy, of which we will continue to broaden our GHG Scope 3 categories to include both upstream and downstream contributors. We extended the Scope 3 for the 2023 assessment to include part of scope 3.1 (Purchased goods and services) by including raw materials and packaging in the assessment below.
“Climate action is an existential priority for Beckers. If we want Beckers to survive and thrive in the coming decades, then we need to be less dependent on fossil fuels and use finite resources more carefully.”
Nathalie Strehl | Global Environment & Energy Manager
One of the key learnings from the deeper screening, was that our carbon footprint is significant in the downstream customer application, further emphasizing the importance of collaborating.
Carbon emission by activities 2023, %

To be able to compare our previous years’ total emissions, we have excluded the new Scope 3.1 category.
Total market-based GHG emissions, Scope 1–3 (MTCO2e) (excluding raw materials and packaging)
Scope 1 + 2 absolute reduction (in %) compared with base year 2013
Renewable energy in %
How we contribute to climate action
At Beckers, we are aware that we have an impact on climate through processes along our whole value chain. We build up our own capacity to reduce our products’ climate footprint by collectively working with our suppliers to obtain a better understanding of the full life cycle analyses (LCA), as well as with our customers, to make sure that the lower emission products also meet their needs. More than 95% of our total CO2 emissions come from our Scope 3 emissions, based on the first screening from the Climate Action 2.0 project. This continues to reinforce the importance to work together with our suppliers and customers on climate action.
Within the stream Operations with Impact, we focus on our own operations and our emissions from logistics. As a chemical industry manufacturer, CO2 is emitted during different activities along process, for example in our own facilities (e.g., cooling, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, miscellaneous fuels), company-owned vehicles (e.g., company cars and trucks), the production process itself (e.g. VOC emissions), our waste and through the transportation of raw materials and goods. Our annual assessment is in line with the GHG Protocol with the details to be found in the Performance Report 2023.
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The first comparable LCA study of three different coil coating application processes brought learnings that can benefit our industry.
Life cycle analyses application process findings
How we develop products with lower emissions for and with our customers.
Our policies and commitments
Our Sustainability Policy demonstrates our commitment to a holistic approach to reach our targets. We use the GHG Protocol, an international standard developed by the World Resources Institute and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, to quantify our global emissions – direct GHG emissions (Scope 1), electricity and district heating (Scope 2), and other indirect GHG emissions (Scope 3) – and to monitor, analyze and present them to our stakeholders. Read more about our methodology in the Performance Report 2023.
The implementation of Lindéngruppen’s Value Creation Model underlines our commitment to decarbonization, as the environmental pillar of the model consists of quantifying the financial impact of our emissions. Five of our sites, including our biggest site in France, are certified for ISO 50001. We are continuously driving the certification of further sites and implementing energy efficiency programs. Furthermore, all Beckers Group sites require environmental permits for all parts of operations such as manufacturing, storage, waste management, air and water emissions. Permits are in order, with the exception of one site in 2023, and all sites are audited on a regular basis. With instances of non-compliance, corrective actions are taken.

Due to our climate actions, we contribute directly to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Climate Action (13) and Partnerships for the goals (17), and indirectly to Responsible consumption and production (SDG 12).
“Working together cross-industry towards renewable carbon solutions”
In 2023, we joined the Renewable Carbon Initiative as a member, alongside other large organizations, start-ups, and research institutes to further collaborate on finding and creating renewable carbon-based materials.
Making high performance coatings and exceeding customer expectations for over 150 years has its share of stories. We continuously improve the materials used and the functionality in our products. This year we have some of the most exciting stories how our product innovations have the potential to transform our industry.
People are at the heart of our products, production and profits. Safety, mental and physical health, and leaving a positive impact in the communities where we operate makes the existence of our business go beyond the surface.
Our operations and work in the supply chain strives to improve our environmental and social impacts. Resource efficiency together with responsible procurement turns our efforts into a positive ripple effect in our value chain.